About our Artist

April 19-22, 2012 
Susan Lazear

Susan Lazear, (pictured center above at our retreat taught by Jane LaFazio July, 2011),  is Professor of Fashion at Mesa College in San Diego, California.  

Susan travels extensively, observing design and teaching workshops around the worldOne of her areas of specialty and interest is design and the creative process, which will be the focus of this retreat.  Susan actively involves herself with the arts, designing fiber art pieces.  She has authored articles for various publications and books on Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for Fashion Design.  In addition, she combines her skills in the creation of a line of software for textile artists under the Cochenille Design Studio name. 

I took a semester-long Textiles course from Susan at Mesa College and knew she'd be a great featured artist for a retreat.  Susan takes note of the design of all things around her, and spending time with her helps develop one's appreciation for the beauty of everyday objects.  She has a way of deciphering what it is about an object that stands out, and then using that aspect in the design of something else.  This is what she will impart to us at the April retreat. The combination of her extensive knowledge,  her skilled teaching style, and her vivacious and engaging personality is sure to provide us with a, fun, stimulating and regenerative 4 days together.

Here are Susan Lazear and retreat organizer Dianne Streifer in Utah last July.  The fact that we showed up with matching outfits was purely coincidental.  Together the two of us, along with co-host Peggy Lindquist, will provide you with an unforgettable retreat experience.  We'll even both play piano for your entertainment!  Come join us!  

To learn more about Susan, check out her website at http://susanlazear.blogspot.com/.